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👋 Hi!

I’m Owen de Mooy (aka O), a techie and full time tinkerer at heart. I’m trying my hand at sharing my own tech journey through this site. I enjoy the ever-changing way technology can be used both personally and professionally to enhance our lives.

I have been following a number of people, groups and organisations across social platforms for years that have inspired my own growth and want this site to be a way of paying it forward. I am a strong believe in sharing my learnings with others in my team, customers, and industry peers as it helps drive collective growth, and hope this will provide another outlet to continue that growth both personally and collectively with you all.

The following is just some of the wide range of topics I hope to discuss and cover.

  • Smart home tech and gadgets
  • Home Automation
  • HomeLab
  • DevOps
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Modern Work + Security (some more work related content)