
Welcome to O so techie

Welcome to a new project for me in 2024. Like so many people I have set myself a New Year’s goal of finally capturing and sharing with the wider world everything tech related I am interested in, or things I just find shareworthy (is that even a word?). I follow a number of people, groups and organisations across platforms that have inspired my own growth over the years, and want this to be my way of paying it forward.

I’m not 100% sure where this journey will take me, but hopefully people will find something useful from my ramblings. And I finally, in a roundabout way, document some of the inner workings of the different things I use (in case I ever die my wife may need this - in her words to open the gate). Going forward I want to write about things I am working on or use both personally and professionally.

It will be mixture of themes and topics I cover as my interests are varied. The following is just the tip of the iceberg of ideas I would like to cover:

  • Smart home tech and gadgets
  • Home Automation
  • HomeLab
  • DevOps
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Modern Work + Security (some more work related content

Things to come

To start things off I have decided to write about the migration of my current Azure DevOps. The setup I use to build and manage my Home Server environment to a full GitHub CI/CD solution that I can share with you all (and my wife 😁). This will be broken down into two key themes:

  • Home Server Build - I currently have an almost fully automated process to manage the (re)build of my underlying Home Server setup. I built this as my first foray into DevOps and a way to easily remember how to rebuild my Home Server in the future if I ever needed to. I have already used this several times to migrate to new hardware or change the architecture / setup of the Home Server. Going forward I want to migrate the current Azure DevOps project I use to a full GitHub based solution (repo & actions) I can share with you. As part of these ramblings I will focus on writing about my GitHub learnings, the process and tools I use in my automations and the overall architecture and thinking behind it of my Home Server setup.

  • Docker Environment - Everything I run and host on my Home Server I currently run in Docker. My goal is to keep the underlying operating system of the Home Server clean and minimalistic. Instead, deploying a range of docker containers / stacks that run everything. This is currently in its own sperate Azure DevOps project, I am thinking of consolidating this alongside my Home Server Build into a single repo with multiple GitHub actions if it works the way I hope it does.

Along the way I am sure I will slip in some other entries / ramblings about other random topics I want to talk about.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.